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Construction Franchise ArchiLine Wooden Houses

Construction Franchise ArchiLine Wooden Houses

Construction Franchise "ArchiLine Log Houses"
Nowadays, nothing says progress like construction businesses and franchises. Construction businesses go hand-in-hand with construction franchises and independent contractors. That’s why Architectural and Construction Company "Archiline Ltd." is looking for new owners, operators and those handy folks with experience in the field.
If you are looking for a smart investment in a thriving industry that allows you to make money – this is your way.
Why choose us?
ArchiLine Ltd. has been successfully working in wooden construction market since 2004. Specialists of the Company have produced and built hundreds of wooden houses in Poland, the Netherlands, Georgia, Spain, France, UAE and Lebanon. In 2014 ArchiLine Ltd. became the first company among the countries of CIS to receive European Technical Assessment ETA 14/0367. This document is developed and adopted by European Organisation for Technical Assessment based in Brussels (Belgium).
Our company guarantees favorable conditions for your new business development and implementation of all mutual obligations agreed individually.
We offer a turnkey business package under a popular and well-known "ArchiLine Log Houses" trademark. The package includes a franchise agreement, an agreement on trademark use, and a promotion and advertising guide. Also, our Company will supply you with all the information on existing projects, technologies of sales and construction practices. Territory covered by the franchise is determined when concluding an agreement.
Our Offer
Architectural and Construction Company "ArchiLine Ltd." specializes in design, production and construction of wooden houses, hotels, restaurants and saunas from rounded log, squared profiled timber and glued laminated timber.
"ArchiLine Log Houses" product is a complete timber house building kit. The kit can be made of glulam, profiled timber or rounded wooden logs.
The houses are produced at our facilities according to exclusive certified "ArchiLine Log Houses" technology and EU Regulation. Starting to work under well-known EU-certified brand is the way to quick penetration of the market in the segment of low-rise wooden housing construction.
Advanced "ArchiLine Log Houses" Construction Technology
Using the most advanced construction technology and having the opportunity to quickly construct affordable, eco-friendly and comfortable houses we offer a completely new approach to building routine. The technology is considered to be the best choice for contemporary residential houses worldwide. The "ArchiLine Log Houses" technology is widely spread in certain European countries. Wooden houses built according to "ArchiLine Log Houses" technology have started to gain popularity all over the world lately. The advantages are incontestable: the houses are remarkable for their durability, environmental friendliness and perfect thermal insulation. Furthermore, "ArchiLine Log Houses" timber buildings are less expensive to erect if compared to stone houses. All structural elements of our houses are prefabricated at the factory, easily transported as a kit and then quickly assembled at the building site.
Freedom of action in Business Management - Key Factor on the way to Success
How to begin a construction business with minimal investment?
The initial fee from 100$, Min. Cash Required: 1000$
· Make sure that the franchisor supplies you with popular and branded business technologies.
· Choose the "light" franchise to minimize your costs.
· Save your money by choosing the most suitable place for the sales office with the help of our website.
· Be independent in business management aspects.
· Introduce your ideas to the franchisor.
Construction franchise "ArchiLine Log Houses"
· Total Cost of Franchise: starting from 1000$.
· Initial fee: starting from 100$ ( one-time payment)
· Pay-off period: 1 month.
· Requirements: availability of investment, availability of office space; minimal knowledge in building/construction; willingness to establish and follow the company standards.
· Preferred Location: Europe, Asia, Oceania
· Franchising Since: 2014

"ArchiLine Log Houses" Franchise Advantages
"ArchiLine Log Houses" Technology
One of the basic needs for a person is a place to live in. The house should be durable, warm, and nice at reasonable price. Here arises the question of finding the best variant complying with all these requirements. Whether to choose very durable but cold and expensive house or durable and warm at even higher price? Or, maybe, build a reasonable-priced, warm but environmentally unfriendly house? Is there a possibility to combine all the requirements in one house? The answer is yes. And this possibility is called "ArchiLine Log Houses" – a technology that allows to build a house of your dream at a competitive price.
Freedom in Architectural Design
Due to modern technologies we can offer you a complete freedom to choose your own house design made of glulam or rounded logs, there is a wide choice of projects. The choice of finishing materials for wooden houses is unrestricted and depends only on the customer’s wishes and intentions. The structural features of our houses cut down the costs of finishing works if compared to other construction technologies.
Durability and Energy Efficiency
The houses built with the use of "ArchiLine Log Houses" technology have been in service for 20 years already. And our construction technology is being improved over the years. There exists one more advantage – it is quite hard to build the house incorrectly. The walls, floors, and ceilings are 100% wood. "ArchiLine Log Houses" wall thickness and thermal insulations parameters outperform most of the alternative building technologies and allow the owner to minimize heating costs.
The price of building materials is comparable to the price of e.g. foamed concrete blocks or bricks. But considering prices of finishing materials and works, structural elements, as well as construction and assembly works terms our technology outperforms any other. The "ArchiLine Log Houses" technology is also more economic in terms of future house servicing.

Construction terms and prices comparison
Price of 1 sq.m. of walling for different materials (construction costs included)
Material price and construction costs"ArchiLine Log Houses" dry timber beam 160mmArchiLine Log Houses" dry log 200mmCommon brick 380mm (1.5 brick thickness)Foamed concrete blocks 300mm
Material price per 1 sq. m. of the wall68.8715922.5
Construction costs14.4152114
Extra thermal insulation (50mm to 100mm)--77
Insulation installation works--3030
Total price83.28911773.5

Terms of construction activities and peculiarities of ground, construction, and finishing works
Materials and works"ArchiLine Log Houses" timber beam 160mmArchiLine Log Houses" log 200mmCommon brick 400mm (1.5 brick thickness)Foamed concrete blocks 300mm
Time to erect 100 sq. m. house shellup to 1 monthup to 1 month1.5-2 months1.5-2 months
FoundationLight, 15-20% of the house shell priceLight, 15-20% of the house shell priceStrengthened foundation, 3-6 times more expensiveStrengthened foundation, 3-6 times more expensive
WallingNo seasonal limitationsNo seasonal limitationsLimited building seasonLimited building season

Holzhäuser der Firma Archiline Holzhäuser in Europa gebaut:
Holzhaus aus Brettschichtholz "Donau" - Deutschland
Holzhaus des abgerundeten Stammes "Voiteck" - Polen
Holzhaus aus Brettschichtholz "Sun" - Polen
Holzhaus aus Brettschichtholz "Werdau" - Polen
Holzhaus des Protokolls "Saalfeld" - Polen
Holzhaus des Stammes "Hotel in den Niederlanden" - Niederlande
Holzhaus des Baumstammes "Haus in den Niederlanden" - Niederlande
Holzhaus des Baumstammes "Triumph" - Niederlande

Mehr sehen:

1. Mobiles Holzhaus "Kiefer" - Preis 14.300 €:

2. Mobiles Holzhaus "Weißer Wald" - Preis 33.300 €:

Sehen Sie sich eine Videobewertung dieses Holzhauses " White House":

Sehen Sie eine 3D-Tour dieses Holzhauses " White House ":

Haus aus profiliertem Furnierschichtholz "White House":

Mehr sehen:

Sehen Sie sich eine Videobewertung dieses Holzhauses "Mirage":

Sehen Sie eine 3D-Tour dieses Holzhauses "Mirage":

Haus aus profiliertem Brettschichtholz "Mirage" 99m2:

Mehr sehen:

Die 3D-Tour der Holzhäuser "Mirage" und "White House" in Gläsern der virtuellen Realität im Büro von ArchiLine Wooden zu sehen. Klick hier!

Unsere Handelsvertreterin in Deutschland:

Dildora Salata (deutsche Sprache) ArchiLine Deutschland
+4915207341719 Viber, WhatsApp)
Ob. Bergäcker 18, 79805 Eggingen Google Maps

Wir sprechen Deutsch und Englisch:

+375298-06-05-67 WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram

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            © 2025 Holzhäuser Archiline
            Ob. Bergäcker 18, 79805 Eggingen, Германия

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